For a full video tour of the AMA Royalties Portal scroll to the bottom of this article.
Setting Up a Log In
Before you can access your organization's account in the Royalties Portal, an admin user must add you to the organization account. Then you must create a log in and password using the same e-mail address associated with the organization account.
Click on “Create a Free Account”
View full instructions in our helpful article How to Create a Log In
Once you log in, you can see Sections listed at the top based on what permissions you have.
If you have a report that is currently due or will be due soon, you will see them in the Reports Section in the “Open” tab. Click on View Details, and you will be able to download the report template for the period that is due.
For a detailed article and video with instructions on reporting, please visit the Help Center article: Submitting a Report on the AMA Royalties Portal.
You can also see a history of posted reports, in the “posted tab” of the reports section.
If you have permission to view and make payments, you will see the Payment Section.
Any outstanding balances due will be listed here including applicable sales tax.
If you are set up with permissions to make and view payments, you will see a Payments tab available at the top of the screen. If a payment is due, click on the check box next to it, in order to activate the payment buttons. Please note the AMA is no longer accepting paper checks for payment of CPT royalties.
You can also see a History of payments made through the portal in the History tab.
View full payment instructions in our helpful article Making Payments
Once payment has been processed, if no reports or additional payments are overdue, content will become available for download by the end of business day.
It is important to note here that payments made through wire transfer outside of the portal, do not make content available for download on the same day. We recommend visiting the Royalties Portal 1-2 business days after making wire transfer in order to download your content.
Each content file can only be downloaded once.
Q: How can I tell if someone from organization has already downloaded the file?
A: Within the Content section, you can click on the History tab to see who has downloaded content and when. If you are an Administrator, and have permissions, in the Administration tab, you will be able to view an activity log to see payments made and content downloaded in one central location.
If you are a contract administrator, visit the administration tab in order to manage contacts, permissions and see account activity.
For full instructions please review this helpful article on Editing Users Associated With Your Account
Below is a full video tour of the AMA Royalties Portal for Distributors. Please take a few moments to review before you get started.